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Last month I joined Curves, the gym where women change their lives 30 minutes at a time (according to the website, at least)! I've always disliked exercise, but the Curves set-up I can handle. It's a series of 12 resistance machines, each working a separate group of muscles; you spend 30 seconds on each machine interspersed with a 30-second "recovery" period in which you jog in place or dance around if you're not self-conscious. Anyway, I can handle just about anything for 30 seconds, so it's not a bad workout and my goal is to make it there three times a week.

I was weighed and measured the day I joined, and then again the day before yesterday on my one-month anniversary. And I've lost 4.5 inches! It's not noticeable, because it's an inch from my waist and half an inch from each leg and a quarter inch from my biceps and so forth, but it's nice to know that it's actually having an effect. Especially since I haven't changed my eating habits at all (what's the point, until January anyway)? Mostly I'm just pleased with myself for sticking with it.


Anonymous said…
Good for you. Even if it isn't noticeable, isn't it nice to know that you are successful!

MomofK9s said…
Way to go Krista! Hang in there! It is funny because I never notice my own weight loss. I have lost 22 pounds and to me I still look the same. My clothes fit different but when I look in the mirror it is still the same me. You are doing great! You should be sooo proud of yourself. I am proud of you!
aimee said…
I was going to say that I bet it is noticeable to others. Way to go! I am proud of you too. I am glad you found something that works. :)
H Noble said…
Yea! Anything is better than nothing and when you look at diet after the holidays, it will be even better! You can do it!!! I'll hopefully be making my own way back to normalcy after the baby comes, which is in 7 days!!!!!!!!

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