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Much Going On, Little Time to Write

1. Mallory lost two teeth last week, if by "lost" you mean "yanked out by dentist when barely loose because of impending arrival of permanent teeth at odd angles". It was a bit traumatic, actually, but she probably got over it before I did. She displayed a Mallory-like misunderstanding of the Tooth Fairy that night when she said, "I need to leave something really nice in my pillow for the Tooth Fairy!" I said, "No, wait, the Tooth Fairy brings something for you." She said, "Oh...I hope it's M&M's!" I said, "Probably not. She usually brings money." She said, "Oh. Money," because she's 6 and what is money to her? But she was suitably impressed the next morning to find two dollars in her little pillow.

2. What Mallory learned about phonics last week: "When two letters go a-walking, the first one does the talking."

3. What's annoying: Needing 32 Christmas cards when the ones you like are sold in sets of 25. To those 7 people who didn't get a card this year: Merry Christmas! Maybe next year you'll move up on to the A list.

4. Also annoying: Buying a huge box of fabric softener sheets because you hate, hate, hate static cling...and finding out after one dryer cycle that the scent gives you a headache. Anyone need 299 dryer sheets?

5. Nice: When someone asks your 2-year-old what she wants from Santa and she answers with something you actually got her! That's great parenting, there. (It's a Wubbzy toy, if you're curious. What is Wubbzy? Well, since most of the people who read this blog will be there on Christmas morning, you'll find out then!)

6. Not nice: "Mallory hit me!" "Well Phoebe pushed me!" "Mallory hit me!" "But Phoebe pushed me!" "Mallory hit me!" And so on.

7. Very nice: Going to visit friends and being able to send all the kids, even Phoebe, to the basement to play. Woohoo!

8. Irritating: Second-guessing myself about our travel plans for Christmas. There are certain aspects that are less than ideal (very late arrival, sister leaving earlier than I'd thought) and I keep thinking "what if I'd just..." but the fact is, I bought the tickets that I could afford and that's just how it is. I need to let it go. Breathe in. Breathe out.

9. I haven't made any Christmas cookies this year and I probably won't at this point. And I only put about a quarter of the ornaments on the tree and I didn't get out the Santa figurines or the nativity set. I feel a bit lame about that but it's hard to make the effort on years that we travel.

10. Mallory's school Christmas program is tonight. One of her school friends has a birthday party this afternoon. What were THOSE parents thinking?

11. The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to here.

12. Or, even better, The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.


Anonymous said…
You mean even Phoebe can go to the basement! Wow!! Impressive list of stuff. I agree - a birthday party on the day of the Christmas program was poor planning!

aimee said…
great list of 12! especially the last! :)
mallory said…
I wish that i, Mallory is still that age.

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