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I am charmed by Phoebe's kindergarten homework, which came home in the form of a calendar with one activity per day. Today homework was discussing the family fire escape plan; tomorrow will be practicing zipping up her jacket; Wednesday is telling me the plot of her favorite story. So much more fun than the math problems Mallory had to do tonight. (Alaska has 18 National Parks. If you add zero to that number, you'll get the number of National Parks in Virginia. How many National Parks does Virginia have? Mallory's answer: 180?)

On the drive to a Brownie field trip yesterday, Mallory mentioned that she's getting an ipod for Christmas. (The truth is that she's asking for an ipod for Christmas.) All three other girls shouted in unison: "I already HAVE an ipod!" Mallory gave me one her her outraged See, Mommy? looks.

Driving to the field trip entailed forty-five minutes of listening to some variation of this joke, over and over and over: What's your name? [Krista] What color is the sky? [blue] What's the opposite of down? [up] Krista blew up! Ha ha ha! It's not funny even once, let alone fifty-seven times. Oh, to be eight again.

Speaking of antonyms, Phoebe declared today that the opposite of balloon was "Pop!" Upon being asked what the opposite of "pencil" was, Phoebe said, "Broken pencil?" while Mallory said "Eraser!" Chris said, "What's the opposite of quiet?" and then answered himself: "Mallory!" "What?" Mallory said, thinking he was talking to her. "Oh!" she continued, "it's loud!" Chris laughed. "What's the opposite of fast?" he said: "Mallory!" "What?" she said.

According to facebook, one of my high school classmates is a grandfather. I just don't know what to say about that.

It looks like all my siblings and nieces and nephews will be at my mom's house for Thanksgiving. I'm sad that I won't be there as well. Snif.

My kids would rather have Iced Animal Crackers (with sprinkles!) than a homemade chocolate chip cookie. What's wrong with them? Also, Mallory has recently discovered the deliciousness of ravioli; she asked to have ravioli in her lunch every day. "Wouldn't you get tired of it?" I asked, and she said, "What I get tired of is peanut butter sandwiches," which was a fair point. And tomato sauce is more of a vegetable than grape jelly is a fruit, if you see my meaning, so I guess it's not a bad trade-off.

That's it from me.


Karen said…
One of your classmates is a grandfather! Wow! I remember at my 20th reunion that one of my classmates had three grandchildren. I had 7 year old twins plus two teenagers.

Phoebe's homework sounds like fun. Much more fun than math.

Wish that you could be here for Thanksgiving, but also know how difficult that would be. We'll miss you.
aimee said…
I concur about wanting you there for Thanksgiving. We have to plan a time for us to get together. When is your Spring Break? Maybe ours is the same. (March 14-18)

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