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A Hodge-podge. A mish-mash, if you will.


Words Phoebe Has Learned To Say Since The Last Time I Made Such A List:

Elmo (pronounced correctly)
Nurse (“urse” – yeah, I know, once they’re old enough to ask…)
I’m stuck
Who’s that?

Two Reasons Phoebe May Not Be My Actual Child

She doesn’t like doughnuts.
She does like raw onions.

What Mallory Said To Me After I Apologized To Her For Us Having A Rough Morning:

“It was rough because you’re mean.”

My Review Of The Make-Ahead Meal Experience

Excellent! Chris and I really liked the Taco Soup, Marinated Flank Steak, Chicken Enchiladas, and Chicken and Wild Rice Casserole. Chris liked the Cilantro Shrimp Scampi; I thought the seasoning was a bit weird, but it was all right. The Smothered Burgers were good but a lot of trouble to make. The Mini-Pizzas…it was nice to be able to customize toppings, but they didn’t taste any better than Target brand frozen pizzas, so, eh. We haven’t tried the Gruyere Quiche yet. But overall, it worked out really well and I’m going to sign up for another session this month. Hooray!

Something That Made Me Sad Today

A report on the radio about a lawsuit being filed against camel racers in the United Arab Emirates…apparently they’re using 3- and 4-year old children as camel jockeys, and making them live in really deplorable conditions. (The kids, not the camels.) Can you imagine these poor little kids having to ride on camels? Can you picture Mallory on a camel? (Actually, I’m sure they wouldn’t want Mallory, since she’s not exactly a lightweight, but still.) There are so many ways to harm children. It’s just depressing.

What We’re Going To Do This Weekend

Go to the pumpkin patch with my friend Julia and her kids. Possibly go see The Prestige.

My Goal For The Week

To clean one room of the house every night. Last night I tackled the dining room. We use the dining room for dining maybe three times a year; at all other times, the table is a repository for Mallory’s crafts, shopping bags, wrapping paper, and other junk. But right now it’s actually clean! I got a little carried away and threw out a whole bunch of stuff that maybe I shouldn’t have: greeting cards, jars of play-doh, perfectly good hair barettes and bows – just because I am so sick of all the excess crap in my house. Trust me, no one will ever miss the stuff I threw away. Tonight I’m going to scrub the bathrooms. Fun for me!

Something Mallory Said That Made Me Proud

She was playing with the 5-year-old girl who lives next door to my inlaws. This is a homeschooling, fundamentalist type family. The girl said to me: “Why is Mallory over at Miss Claudia’s so much?” I said, “Miss Claudia takes care of her while I go to work.” She said, “Well, my mother chooses to work at home so she can be with her kids. Why don’t you choose to do that?” I said, smiling very politely, “I choose to work in an office instead.” Mallory chimed in, “Yeah, and when I grow up I’m going to work in an office too!”

Things I Admire About My Siblings

Jana – Her determination (going back to school as a single mom is one example)
Aimee – Her creativity
Amy (my sister-in-law) – Her generosity
Casey – The excellent way he’s raising his son

Two Things That Will Make Me And Chris Laugh Like Loons (That No One Else Would Understand)

What? I want a jellybean!
All these lovers! Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said…
Good for Phoebe! I can't believe she is saying all that!

She doesn't like doughnuts? Wow. What about cinnamon rolls? (Thinking ahead to thanksgiving)

Hilarious what Mallory said. But it was great she stood up for you. What a cool kid!
Krista said…
Plan no meals around Phoebe's likes and dislikes! I have no way of knowing what she'll eat from one day to the next.

Actually the same is true of Mallory too!

As long as you have peanut butter and bread in the house, we'll be okay!
H Noble said…
I learned today that Jared (3 1/2) doesn't like biscuits. What?!

I love hearing about your family- the funny and the not-so-funny.

You have a sister-in-law named Amy? That must get a little confusing at times!

Krista said…
Holly -- It can be very confusing. We always to to specify whether it's "my" Aimee or "his" Amy. Of course it's also confusing that our names match too (Chris and was cute for about a day!)

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