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The Birthday Report

Mallory woke up on her birthday and said, "How old am I?"

"You're five!" I said.

"Wow! You'd better measure me!" she said.

I did. And she's grown two whole inches she was a measly four years old, so it's a good thing we checked.

Then she discovered her art desk, which she loved:

She’s already spent a few hours at the desk, drawing or practicing letters. What did not occur to me was that providing Mallory easy access to her art supplies would also provide Phoebe easy access to same. All I can say is, thank you to whomever invented washable markers. (And yes, that huge box behind Mallory is her and Phoebe’s Christmas present. We have nowhere else to put it. I told Mallory it was shelves for our kitchen. If she ever makes the connection I’ll just say that it was too heavy for Santa’s sleigh. Or something.)

On our way to the birthday party, Mallory kept pressing her hand up to the car window and shouting, “I’m FIVE!” at passers-by. Phoebe kept chiming in, “Fi!” and trying to give her high-fives.

The birthday girl with a stack of presents.

My girl loves cake...

...but was a bit overcome by smoke from the candles.

The big hit of the day was a package of those foam capsules that “magically” turn into animals when placed in hot water. They were part of the “box o’ fun” that Auntie Mimi gave Mallory. All the girls were fascinated. They abandoned a huge stack of unopened gifts to go watch the foam expand. You never know what will impress kids.

Speaking of which, here is Mallory looking pretty unimpressed with what I thought would be her favorite present, an electronic keyboard. (But you can see Phoebe reaching for it in the background. Phoebe loves it.)

Later, I asked Mallory if she’d had a good birthday. She said yes, but then added, “But I didn’t get my birthday wish.”

“What was that?” I asked.

“That nobody give me any presents, just cake.”

Oh well, can’t win ‘em all.

Yeah...pretend that picture is rotated the right way.

(P.S. Abbey, hope all of your birthday wishes come true!)

And, here’s Mallory’s list of Favorites at 5. She answered the questions herself. On some of these, she was just fibbing, as she calls it, so I put the presumed correct answer in brackets.

Movie: Grease
TV Show: Franklin [The Wonder Pets is more likely]
Song: Elmo You Can Drive My Car
Book: Forgot to ask! Will ask tonight. [I asked...she said, "That book about the apples." I don't know which book she's talking about and I don't think she did either!]
Breakfast: Lego Waffles
Lunch: PB&J
Dinner: Rice potatoes [Huh? I don’t even know what that is. She does love Sesame Shrimp]
Drink: Water
Dessert: Ice Cream
Toy: Elmo
Game: Disney Princess Crowns & Gowns
Friend: Stephanie
Color: Blue
Thing to Do: Play outside
Thing About School: Playing with my friends

I asked her what she thought she'd be like at 5, and she said, "Naughty!" So it could be a rough year for us!


aimee said…
So, I am assuming you figured out how to post pictures too!

What a birthday for Mallory! I love that she only wanted cake, not presents.

I can't believe she is 5. Just can't.
Anonymous said…
It just seems like yesterday that she was just a newborn. I can't believe that it has really been 5 years. Cute pictures.

H Noble said…
How fun! We had those spongy things when I was little too. Funny how some stuff makes it and some stuff doesn't.

Naughty! Ha! Good luck with that!

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