Because it's that kind of day. The stickers on apples. How very cold it is in my bathroom. We're keeping our thermostat down low to save energy/money, and mostly the house is tolerable if you wear a big sweatshirt, but my bathroom is just frigid. Especially the porcelain toilet seat. Brrr. People who don't understand four-way stops. When your child wakes up whining that she's so siiick and she can't possibly go to schooool today, and then fake-cries pitifully when you tell her to get dressed anyway. When your child then proceeds to throw up everywhere, and then cries that you're so meeean because you didn't belieeeve her that she was sick. Stomach viruses. Mouth noises of any kind. Smacking, slurping, crunching, munching, snoring, gargling, whatever it is, don't do it around me. Often I have to leave my desk for a moment while my cubicle-mates eat their lunches. Gah. Grocery shopping. When a book I really want to read is not available in Kindle format. T...