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Friday Weigh-In

I've lost three pounds!


Actually yesterday I started reading the book that I'm basing my diet (I mean, my lifestyle-change) on, and as it turns out, I'm not supposed to weigh myself for a whole month. And for four weeks I'm not supposed to be cutting calories so much as raising my metabolism by eating regular meals and exercising more. So I haven't done exactly what I was supposed to be doing, but who cares, because I lost three pounds!

I have a series of "presents" I'm going to give to myself once I meet particular goals. For example, once I lose ten pounds I'm going to get a haircut and have my eyebrows waxed. (Believe it or not, this is a true luxury for me. I don't get my hair cut nearly as often as I should.) Twenty pounds, I may get my hair highlighted, or get a facial. I figure these incentives will make me feel good about myself and it's better than rewarding myself with an Oreo blizzard.

I think what Mom said about the body adjusting to changes in four day segments must be true. I had an awful, awful headache on Tuesday and I think it was because my body was wondering where all the sweet, sweet sugar was. Now I'm feeling okay. And I'm surprised at how much I'm actually enjoying the food I'm eating. Sweet potatoes -- they're not bad! Baby carrots -- a very satisfying snack! (In fact I may turn orange from all the baby carrots I'm eating.) Diced cherry tomatoes and cucumbers in a whole wheat pita pocket with a drizzle of balsamic vinaigrette -- the best lunch I had all week! And who needs Oreos when you have cashew nuts, anyway? (Have I mentioned Oreos twice in this post? Hmmm...)

Exercising has been difficult because the weather has been awful (another snow-turned-to-rain day yesterday) and because Phoebe will not go to bed on time, so I haven't been able to do my Pilates. But I'll keep trying. Because I have a whole lot further to go.

On an unrelated note...don't you hate it when you don't have time to wash your hair in the morning? And you know that you should just apply a dab of hair gel, run your comb through it, and accept that it's just not going to look that great, but then you can't stop futzing with it? And you try a barette, and a little clip, and parting it on the other side, and nothing makes it look better, and then you realize that all the futzing has made it look worse? And in all the time you took messing around you could've just washed it, but now you're even later than you were before? I hate those days.


MomofK9s said…
I know what you mean about the "futzing". That is why I have been growing my hair out for the past 2 years. Now if I am running late or don;t want to mess with it I throw it up in a faux bun like thing or a pony tail and I am out the door. it might not look great but I can do it in about 60 seconds.
Congrats on the 3 pounds! Maybe you will inspire me!
Anonymous said…
A three pound weight loss is great! It is always nice to see results the first week.

aimee said…
Yay for you Krista! That is really good!

Love your word btw. I know exactly what you mean.
H Noble said…
You are truly Aimee's sister! :) I'm speaking of the hair thing. I remember her "futzing" sometimes too, and it makes me laugh to remember it. I've never had that problem because my hair is so oily. If I'm late, I have to wash and go with it wet.
And congrats on the weigh-in! Keep it up!

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