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When I Read

Since two-thirds of my regular readers have asked this question, here’s an answer.

I read all the time. It’s true and it’s no doubt to my detriment. The only times I ever got in trouble at school, it was for reading when I should’ve been paying attention to the teacher instead (2nd grade – Mrs. Duggins; 6th grade – Mrs. Thurman). If I didn’t read so much, my house would be much cleaner and my kids would have up-to-date photo albums. If I didn’t read so much, I’d probably be in much better shape physically and I would have completed the redecoration of my house. People say that life is the thing, but I prefer reading. (Somebody else said that, but I believe it!)

Specifically. I read while I brush my teeth. I read while I blow-dry my hair. I read at red lights (a very bad habit, I know). I read while cooking dinner if the children are otherwise engaged. I read during my lunch hour (panic ensues if I forget to bring a book with me to work – I try to keep a spare magazine in the car for these occasions). I read at doctor’s appointments and in line at the drive-thru and while getting my oil changed. I read during Mallory's gymnastics class (although I have to glance up frequently because if she catches me not watching her she comes over to tap on the glass to get my attention; I'm sure her teacher loves that.) In graduate school I took the bus to campus every day and I loved it – 30 minutes with nothing else to do but read! As I recall, I brought a book to my wedding just in case there was down-time. So essentially – if I have a spare moment, I read. Mostly, though, I read at night after I put the kids to bed, even though every night while the kids are falling asleep I’m thinking to myself that I should, instead, clean the kitchen or iron some shirts or pay some bills or, you know, have a conversation with my husband. It’s a bit of an illness, really.

I feel compelled to point out that although I read constantly, I also read sloppily. I very rarely remember much of what I read. I love mysteries, but I am almost always incapable of guessing who-dun-it because I don’t read carefully and I miss all the clues. You’d think that with everything I’ve read, I’d be this vast storehouse of knowledge and quotes and so forth. But I’m really not. Which I guess makes it all a bit pointless but I don’t care. I will no doubt be reading on my deathbed and I hope that my survivors have the foresight to put some books in my casket. Because you never know – eternity is a long long time and I’d hate to be stuck there without something to read.


aimee said…
Oh, Krista...I promise, if I survive you, I will put a whole lot of books in your casket. Make sure and leave a list of your favorites. :)

I am a sloppy reader too and once I start a book, I can't stop, so I don't read all the time for that reason.

It cracks me up that you read at red lights. And I don't know how you read and blow your hair dry. I've tried that and it is hard!
Anonymous said…
How funny! I never thought of books for eternity. However, I do wish to be cremated, and unless you burn the books also, I don't think that very many will fit into my urn!

Abbey said…
This is priceless. I never knew there was so much time in the day to read!! I'm wasting so much!

I'm with you on the public transportation. I have a 30 min train ride each way to work and LOVE the fact I actually can read a book and not worry about anything else.
H Noble said…
Well, that answers my question I guess. I can't read while driving on 75 (even more scary since they narrowed our lanes to put in the HOV lane!), and since it only takes me about two minutes to dry my hair, I wouldn't bother.

I'm sure there is a lot more time that I could be taking advantage of, but I am a house-straightening/cleaning freak and I can't overlook much, although that has changed some since I haven't felt well for about 3 months!

Food for thought though, and thanks for answering my question!

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