Phoebe's best friend is, unfortunately, moving to Pennsylvania at the end of the school year. Or, as Phoebe put it, "Abby's not going to live in Carowina any more." These two girls are so sweet together -- they've had half a dozen playdates and nary a disagreement.
Abby's mother had to move away from her best friend when she in kindergarten. The two became penpals and remained so close that they served as each other's maids of honor.
I'll help Phoebe write letters to Abby, and I hope that they have fun being penpals. It would be nice to think that they'll keep in touch and still be friends twenty years from now.
Of course, I'd rather that Phoebe's best friend would stick around; I'm a bit sad for her. On the other hand, she started out this school year so very shy, it's a relief to me that she made a friend at all. And since she's made one, I'm certain that she can make another. I figure that even if she and Abby don't stay in touch, she'll still always remember the little red-haired girl who was her very first best friend.